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Round out :

English to Bengali Dictionary

Round out : চক্রাকার হত্তয়া;

Related Words

ran out  ranout  remount  romaunt  rondeau  rondo  round  round out  rounded  run at  run out  run to  run-out  runout  runt  

See Words Also In

1.Google-Translator 2.Dictionary.com 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia 5.Thesaurus.com

Appropriate Prepositions

Authority on(বিশেষজ্ঞ পন্ডিত): Kamal was an authority on English literature.

Authority over (কর্তৃত্ব, আধিপত্য): She has no authority over his growing daughters.

Convenient to(সুবিধাজনক): The work is convenient to your nature.

Desire for (কামনা): He has no desire for fame.

Match for (প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বী): He is no match for me.

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All in - (পরিশ্রান্ত): I was all in after the meeting.

At a discount (অনাদৃত) Female education is no longer at a discount now.

Laughing stock (হাসির পাত্র)— He is a laughing stock to all.

Run short (কমতি পড়া) —I ran short of money.

Up-to-date (আধুনিক) - Now-a-days ladies are very up to date.

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